Monday, April 13, 2009

I Don't Deserve Any Of This...

Our Lead Staff went through an exercise the other day where we listed out the top ten statements that we felt described what it's like to be part of the culture of Elevation Church.

My #1 statement was, "We don't deserve any of we will remain grateful."

After an Easter Weekend like the one we just experienced (check out Pastor Furtick's blog for details) I find myself sitting in my chair wondering how I got here...

Five years ago you would have found me building decks in Shelby, NC trying to make some cash to help supplement my wife's income while she was paying my way through school. I had my plans for my life, but I had no idea what it meant to follow God's plans for my life.

Now, on the Monday after 740 people received Christ at Elevation Church I am having a hard time figuring out how the steps I was taking then were leading me to this office chair! It's like putting 2 + 2 into a calculator and having 4,000 come out!

I really don't deserve any of this and for that reason I will remain grateful.

1 comment:

Bob Aycock said...

It's amazing how God works in out lives...He has a plan for us and many times it's something we can't quite see yet. God is GOOD!!!!