Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Early Morning Thoughts

It's 6:26am.

I've been up since 12:30am.

Some people (much more spiritual than me) pray when God gets them up early.

I have been reading Influencer (Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, David Maxfield, and Ron McMillan) and furiously scribbling charts, structural problems, system breakdowns, organizational ideas, and new initiatives as fast as possible trying not to loose what God is showing me about the ministries of Elevation Church.

For some reason this morning was set aside for me to loose some sleep. But I would gladly trade sleep for the opportunity to do what I do...

This past Sunday we had 4485 people attending our one of seven worship experiences across three campuses 29 months into our church's existence; we had 152 people accept Christ bringing the total number of people who accepted Christ during the three weeks of the Gospel series to 903. These numbers are following on the heels of 1044 people being baptized during our Awakening series...and I can't sleep!

Pastor Furtick said it this way, "We need to let the victories God gives us be our fuel not our ceiling."

God has pumped my spirit full of $4.85, 93 octane gasoline...I can sleep later!


Stuart Hodges said...

John - I'm wrapping up Influencer myself. Would be very interested to hear some of your insights and applications if you have them in an easy and accessible format.
Stu Hodges

Ponder thoughts for change said...

Awesome post, well said and profoundly written. A joy to know when you'd return to what you successfully challenged me to do, blog. Your post would be spectacular, thanks for the wisdom, an honor to serve such an incredible King.