Thursday, October 30, 2008

Halloween Traditions...

I come from a VERY competitive family!

Every year we would carve pumpkins, but we couldn't just carve them, we had to out do the other siblings in the room with a artistic masterpiece in gourd-ish medium. This conditioning has resulted in a very strange obsession in my life that flares up once a year around the end of October.

This year's pumpkin carving is titled: "ode to my neglected puppy..." (My dog, Oliver, has been very sad since Jeremiah was born 17 months ago so I have memorialized him in pumpkin flesh.) Enjoy!
And, just in case you can't tell what this image is...check out a real picture of Oliver to the right.
I can't post a blog without some kind of lesson, so here you go: Even a warty, lumpy pumpkin can be turned into something creative. If you feel like the world has handed you a gourd (work with me here...) you can always turn it into a jack-o-lantern!
Be blessed, and happy pumpkin carving...


Anonymous said...

Your pumpkin is amazing! I didn't look closely at it when I was there. Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

John, you amaze me with your artistic talents!

Miss you guys!