Monday, February 2, 2009

Superbowl 43

So I have to confess, I watched about 20 minutes of the Superbowl last night. To all 30 of you who fought the temptation and stayed true to your convictions I apologize but I just couldn't resist the urge to fit in with the other 100 million people who were watching it.

Why only 20 minutes? When Bruce went into a full back bend and held it for like 5 minutes I thought he might have broken his back...the stress was too much. Fear for the boss's health was too much to handle for a Superbowl rookie so I got up and read the instruction manual for how to play bridge.

With that confession out of the way let me get back to more important stuff...

I was so blown away by the crowd that attended "THE 6" last night. I would never have guessed that over 400 people would crowd into our night service at the Butler Campus on Superbowl Sunday. At some point, I will stop being surprised by the momentum that has been created around "THE 6" but for now I am still dumbfounded!

All around, yesterday was an amazing day. If you missed it, be sure to check out the link to Pastor's sermon. Can't wait for this coming weekend. It's our 3 year anniversary and we are planning a party!

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