Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Key to Church Growth...

As promised...

Honorable mentions go to Wade Joye (old woman), Larry Hubatka (ninja), Chunks Corbett (Mr. Clean), and Larry Brey (Referee)...

3rd runner up...Awarded for taking the greatest risk:

John Bishop - Community Groups Pastor

2nd runner up...Awarded for most committed (Yes, that is a cut and color...)

Mack Brock - Worship Leader and his look-alike Larry Hubatka. Don't try to tell them's just too difficult!

"and the first place prize goes to..."

Ryan Hollingsworth and Joel Salter - Graphics Designer and Finance Manager as the Black Bond and his friend Wayne.


Anonymous said...

Get lost in music...

Erin said...

Love the pics, very funny...but the mommy in me really wants to see one very cute mini-Bishop-pumpkin, if you know what I mean.