On March 6th, 2007 the staff of Elevation Church (which at the time was less than 10 people) sat down to have a conversation about what to do. Within a 10 week span we had grown from barely 1000 people to over 1700 in our two services at our only campus. Out of this conversation we determined to launch a 2nd campus...we were ignorant about the implications of that decisions and VERY passionate to see God continue to reach people far from God, so in our minds there really wasn't any other option.
32 days later we launched our second campus at Porter Ridge High School with you at the helm; a rag-tag group of renegade volunteers who were ready to take over Union County. On Easter of 2007 there were 501 people worshipping with you.
For those of you who were there during the next few months fighting for the Porter Ridge campus you remember the excitement of seeing your friends who would never have given church a chance walk through the doors of Porter Ridge High School. It was in those times that you developed the reputation for being absolutely insane. We could hardly have you in a worship night or live recording because of the fear that you would literally explode with excitement.
Fast forward to September 23, 2007 the Porter Ridge Campus was transitioned to Butler High School in order to strategically place it in the middle of a densely populated area on the edge of Union County. At Butler High School we launched with 2 services and saw 1186 people walk through the doors only 6 short months after that first conversation in March.

Today, Butler Campus, our average attendance is 1250 and 6 of the last 15 weeks we have seen over 1300 people attending our campus - we're SLAMMED!
Now, there is a building being built and the opportunity to grow is coming but that's 10 months away. 10 months! Last year we more than doubled the size of our campus in less than 6 months. 10 months is a long time to wait when every single day that passes is potentially the last opportunity you'll have to get your friend to come. So let me pose a question to you Butler - what are we going to do in 32 days?
Elevation Church has been defined by it's audacity and you're considered crazy even by our standards. You're the ones who stepped up to start Porter Ridge; who stepped out in faith because you believed God would do the miraculous and because of your faith and sacrifice, He has! It's time again! People are looking to you to find out whether you still believe that God can do the impossible. There are still thousands of people to reach and I believe you have the vision and passion to reach them.
What are you going to do? Are you with me?
I am spreading the word about Elevation to EVERYONE! I have signed a check at a store with my Elevation pen and had the clerk ask me about it, People have asked about my bumper sticker, and ofcourse t shirts always bring attention...I am your walking advertisment!
Of course we are with you. We once read, "if you want to experience God, then go where He is and get involved". We did at the Levine Center, then at Providence,then Porter Ridge, then Butler. It's been like having a front row seat of God's hand at work. Experiencing God is awesome. It has changed our lives and others around us. We got your back in what ever it takes.
The Ramseys are with you too! Can't wait to see what happens with adding another service to the Butler campus!! The volunteers at Elevation are amazingly gifted, hard-working, talented, self-sacrificing-- I know this additional service will be unbelievable!!
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