Monday, March 2, 2009

Our Sacrifice is Their Victory

Yesterday was an amazing day at Elevation. The weather was awful but spirits were high. Rather than try to explain it second hand I thought I would let you read an email I just got from our newest parking team leader at Butler, Eric Welch.


Team Welch!

Considering it was your first day....AND most of the radios quit working (what, it's not like they were soaked with water or anything)....AND Hurricane Laffey was pouring through the area ("little bit of stinging rain, big 'ol fat rain, and sometimes rain that seemed to come from straight up")...AND most of us had standing water in our shoes... I'd say you guys did a FANTASTIC job out there! If anything, that was probably the best day for you to be out there on your fist time; you've tasted the "worst" of what we can only go up from here! Sink or swim, boys, we're diving in!

All kidding aside, though, you guys (and gal) handled yourselves very well given the circumstances; and thanks to Hopkins, Bill, Frank and Jason for helping out!! It's even more important that we're outside on days like yesterday. If people coming into church see our happy, smiling, soaked faces they may think to themselves "huh, I wonder what it is about this place that makes their volunteers dedicated and crazy enough to be out in weather like this, there must be something special happening here." It all helps to open the door for what Pastor does inside. It's not about us, and how cold we are or how wet we are. It's about them. Our sacrifice is their victory.

Next week, we're scheduled for the evening service, but there is no evening service as it turns out; so we're not parking. I'll let you know when we're on again once we decide whether or not that will affect scheduling of teams.

Remember when you were a kid, and you'd go outside and play in the snow, and your jeans would get all wet? Then you'd get that itchy feeling all over once you were soaked? Anybody else besides me experience that yesterday?

Great job guys!!


Here's the best picture I have of the conditions at 5:55pm last night - right before the 6:00pm worship experience started.

Thanks Eric (and all of the volunteers who are tired from a long cold day of volunteering) you continue to amaze me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, great job!! My family came to the 10am service. Maybe we were just in a hurry or whatever; but we forgot to bring our umbrella with us. We were making our way thru the parking lot (and rain) when a couple of volunteers ran over and gave us their umbrellas. I don't know why I was surprised, everyone at Elevation is AWESOME!!! I appreciate everyone and all that you do to make every service what it is. I always take something away (learn) from every single service. But I have to say; if that would have been my first visit, that act of kindness would have brought me back again!! Thanks again!!