Monday, March 9, 2009

Ministry Time...

Yesterday we had a "ministry time" in the worship experience. Pastor preached the second and final week of The Dip and challenged people to turn back to God's perfect plan for their life. He used a story about his son Elijah who was afraid of a fly to illustrate a powerful point. Just like Pastor (Elijah's father) is much bigger than the fly, God (our Father) is much bigger than our "dips" - no matter how big we fell like they are. By putting our problems back into perspective we are in a better position to receive God's work in and through that situation.

The message was simple to understand but very challenging and humbling to apply (in my opinion, the best type of messages) and our people were faithful to the call of God to respond. We had dozens of people at the "altar" praying, crying, calling out to God, was a wonderful time.

After days like yesterday I feel a strange mixture of excitement and responsibility. God blessed us with His presence and people responded to His powerful message of grace yesterday, so I am excited. Yet, there are thousands of people in Charlotte who have never experienced God's presence or grace and so I feel a tremendous responsibility to reach them. This tension is often an uncomfortable place to be, but when I read Jesus' words in the great commission in Matthew 18:18-20 I am reminded that it is the right place to be..."go...and make disciples".

1 comment:

stephy said...

I agree. Tension is really uncomfortable but I think that's where we need to be a lot of the time.