Friday, February 22, 2008

6 Rows Back

I am sitting in a 4300 seat auditorium at C3 (Creative Church Conference) in Dallas Texas. Fellowship Church puts on a conference every year with the express purpose of challenging the boundaries of how we do church. Yesterday, we had a great day. It culminated with our staff challenging everything we're doing with the express purpose of making it better. Some people might look in from the outside and think we're too driven. I say, check out the disciples...

As excited as I am today about what God is going to teach me through the conference, the two things I am most excited about are:

1) The people on either side of me. Wade Joye is on my left and Jeremy Scott is on my right. They are some of my favorite people on the planet. In fact, the entire staff that I get to work with are some of the most gracious, fun, driven, passionate, creative people on the planet and I feel honored to be working with them.

2) WE ARE 6 ROWS BACK!!! Some of those same staff members ripped off the C3 logo and created "reserved seat" signs and then took down nice old ladies and children to beat the crowd to the sixth row. The coolest part about our seat is that later today we will be close enough to T. D. Jakes to read the label on his V-neck sweater.

1 comment:

hcfischer1 said...

Our friends Brian and Libby Howe, from Northway Church, are down there at that conference too. Hope you are having fun and get a good, well deserved break!