Friday, March 14, 2008

A Great and Powerful God!

You will face circumstances in your life that are so challenging they will either shape you or destroy you.

Jesus tells us that the storm is coming and our "house" will be tested by the storm.

As a man who has fought through some storms I have often wondered, in the midst of the storm, whether my "house" was going to make it.

During the storm, when it's raining hard and the wind is blowing fiercely, it's sometimes difficult to know whether it's the house that is falling apart or just the noise of the storm.

Thankfully, through my faith in Christ and through encouragement from others, I am learning how to figure out which kind of noise I'm hearing.

A few days ago someone that I have been leading paid me the greatest compliment I could have ever asked for. She confirmed what I have been slowly discovering on my own; that I have made it through the storm and my foundation is still holding steady on the rock.

For someone that has needed, and taken, so much of other people's time and investment, it is so fulfilling to know I am finally in a position to give back. (You can read about it here.)

If you're caught in the storm hang in there. The day is coming when you'll look back and realize that your storm served a greater purpose. The same God who has the power to sustain us in the storm has the power to calm it too. And if you're resigned to His leading, there will come a day when you'll be able to give it all back.

We serve a great and powerful God! His plans are perfect and His ways are untrackable but for those that love Him and are called to His purposes, the end result is always good!

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