Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Power of Perspective

I wrote this blog the other day about the storms of life that can cause confusion and turmoil in our lives.

I have been thinking about the storms in my life lately and realized that I don't respond to those storms like I used to. In the past, I would allow things in my life to throw me completely off course and for several days I would view life through blurry, rain streaked windows.

I don't respond this way anymore. It's not because my storms have gotten less severe. In fact, because of my stage in life, I'm facing things that carry far more weight and consequence then ever before. When storms pop up now, there is far more at stake.

The difference between the way I used to respond and how I respond now is the power of perspective in me life.

I am becoming more convinced every day that correcting my perspective is one of the most valuable investments of my time and energy that I can make. In Matthew 7:24-27 Jesus makes it pretty clear that our circumstances are going to be challenging no matter what. The storm is coming...the question is, am I going to be thankful for the rain?

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