Monday, April 7, 2008

Humility Redefined (Part 1)

I have always known that the Scripture taught humility. My problem has been that I have misunderstood what humility is and I would bet you're the same way.

We think that to be humble we have to under-sell what we can do and play-up what we can't. I had a guy tell me once, "John, you're a really good worship leader, but don't ever think you are."

First of all, I'm not a good worship leader, I can play the guitar pretty well, and I can sing, but I am not gifted at leading people, through music, to experience Christ in worship. When I was leading, I was too fixated on the clock and the chords.

The other part of the statement that's just not right is, well, the rest of it - "don't ever think you are."

Here's the problem with this line of thinking, If you are really good at something, it doesn't do anyone any good for you to pretend like you're not. If you can sing, then sing! Refine your gift, practice, listen to other singers, memorize songs, expose yourself to the greatest training you can and leverage your gift for all it's worth. Then, when people walk up to you and say, "Man, you're a really awesome singer", and you rightfully give credit to God, He won't be misrepresented by your underdeveloped, and insecure performance in the name of humility.

Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:20 that we are Christ's ambassadors. What good is an ambassador who doesn't represent well?

I've left this unfinished, because I'm not done with it yet. Check back again for the next installment.

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