Wednesday, June 11, 2008

He Created the Universe!

[Read: Galatians 5:1-15 (again)]

This section of Galatians is about freedom. Paul starts by saying, “It is for freedom that Christ set us free.” (v. 1)

Immediately following this declaration, Paul launches into a discussion about circumcision. Now, if you’re not familiar with the Old Testament law that required all Jewish boys to be circumcised, this discussion seems a little out of left field. But notice that Paul says a man who ‘lets’ himself be circumcised. Circumcision would normally take place on the 8th day of a Jewish baby’s life (Check out the details here: Genesis 17:10-14). In other words, the only man that would ‘let’ himself be circumcised is being ushered into the Jewish faith as an adult.

Here’s Paul’s question in a nutshell: If the Jewish people were given the promise, symbolized by circumcision, that they were the people of God and that some day God would be sending them a savior to free them from the bondage of sin, why would someone who has the opportunity to accept Christ’s freedom directly want to try to get to Christ through circumcision?

The reason Paul is so angry at the people who are recommending circumcision to these new converts and luring them away from the truth and from freedom in Christ is he understands what’s at stake. James tells us that, “whoever keeps the whole law and stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.” (James 2:10). There is no grading curve in the law. You either keep the law, perfectly, or you are condemned by it, entirely! There’s just no middle ground.

If you are someone that is trying to do better, trying to be good, trying to quit drinking, trying to stop looking at pornography, trying to quit gossiping etc… You know that no matter how hard you try you have never been able to get free. But in Christ we are a new creation the old has gone and the new has come… (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). It’s probably time to quit trying and allow God to work through you.

He is, after all, the guy that created the universe and keeps it in balance. He formed the earth and everything in it. He breathed life into every living creature and formed mankind in His own image. I think He can probably handle your problems!

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