Monday, June 9, 2008

Treadmill Woes

[Read: Galatians 5:1-15]

I was running on the treadmill at the "Y" the other day when a very tragic and embarrassing thing happened.

A women got onto the treadmill next to me and began jogging. About 3 minutes into her workout the spray bottle fell off the machine and made a very loud noise which caused everyone in the gym to turn and look just in time to catch the next 10 seconds of this poor woman's workout routine.

While the woman was trying to catch the bottle, she hit the towel that was hanging over the bar and it slipped and fell onto the belt. The woman then proceeded to hop around the belt trying to avoid the towel only to accidentally put her right foot down off the belt. Since her left foot was still moving with the belt her body took a sudden spin to the left and this little chain of events ended with an embarrassing yelp from the woman as she stumbled and almost fell off the treadmill.

Paul says in Galatians 5:7 that our faith is like a race. He suggests that we are "running a good race" when we are trusting in Christ but when we begin to put our faith in religious rules he asks, "Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?"

Let's just be clear, even if the spray bottle and towel falls off, keep your feet centered on the belt. Trust me, it's safer that way...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I snorted when I read this John boy. Very funny....see I do read your stuff. I save it up and read it all at once (monthly), but I do read it. And who is this Galatia chick anyway? You keep writing about her and Paul. She sounds pretty, but kinda stupid too....just like Jack.
