Friday, June 20, 2008

Staff Advance

I'm sitting in my office preparing for our "staff advance" coming up next week.

I always get a little bit nervous when it gets near staff advance season; the kind of nerves you get when you're applying for a new job, or getting married.

There's no fear, just an unsettled feeling that I'm about to commit myself to something far bigger than my abilities, skills or vision.

Last year at staff advance we finalized the details of our Dominate Campaign, presented comprehensive analyses of our departments, presented reports based around the content of the Leadership Pipeline and set goals for the remainder of 2007.

It was intense!
It was challenging!
There were at least a half dozen times when I could feel my heart beating in my ears!
and we came away exhausted; spiritually, physically, emotionally...


This year proves to be no different.

I just finished my part of a project we're working on that I've titled, "Discovering our 'brand'", that will no doubt spark some great discussion. I also just had a meeting with Larry Brey, our Connections Pastor, about three major projects we are tackling this fall. He is presenting those projects to the lead staff at Staff Advance and we want to make sure everything is ready to go.

We read two books, Honor's Reward by John Bevere and What Got You Here Won't Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith. I don't know exactly what to expect from this year's advance except that it will be VERY overwhelming and we will be setting the course and speed for the next major season of our church.

The last 10%: My Pastor will be coming to Staff Advance straight off of almost two weeks of study, reflection, vacation, prayer and family time. I expect that he will have a double dose of intensity saved up for us and I can't wait!!!

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