Friday, January 9, 2009

Forecast: Sunny Skies

Last night I looked at the weather for today and realized that the forecast was for sunny skies. When I saw that it would be 50 degrees and sunny when I would be leaving work to come home I decided to ride to work this morning. The problem was at 6:15am when I left my house I felt more like this guy:

Here's what I know: when the forecast is for sunny skies sometimes you have to endure this:

in order to enjoy this:

This Sunday night we are launching our first evening worship experience at the Butler Campus of Elevation Church. For those of you who have been part of the process of getting this service off the ground you can empathize with me when I say it is not always easy! Recruiting your friend to volunteer with you, stepping into a leadership role that you're uncertain about, giving up your seat at a convenient time to make room for someone else, or agreeing to volunteer all day to get us through the launch of this service are all examples of how you have decided to trust the forecast rather than the circumstances.

Well, now that the morning ride is over and the day has shaped up to look like this:

I'm glad I rode to work today.

This Sunday is going to be a benchmark day for the Butler Campus. For those of you who have trusted the forecast get ready for a great ride!

See you Sunday!


Anonymous said...

Please be careful out there John. We love you! See you Sunday Night!

Jody said...

Nice bike. If you are enjoying the rides now just wait till early spring. Nothing like it!

Chris Metheney said...

Let me know if you want to go for a ride! We would look like some serious bikers with our Elevation stickers

Laurie said...

I'm just going back and catching up on your blog after talking with you this morning...

After we left, Bryan said that now we should get an Elevation Bike Ride going (maybe a benefit or something?), and he was excited to show you that he had put the Elevation logo on the back of his helmet...apparently you beat him to that idea!