Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I Stink At Mornings

Generally speaking, anything that happens to me "pre-coffee" is seen by me, the waking party, as an assault on the foundational parts of my of my personhood. I often struggle responding in appropriate ways to simple things like questions, prolonged glances, the dog, pieces of clothing that trip me up on the way to the shower... On occasion I have been cited wandering through my house aimlessly bumping into things and grunting random phases filled with bitter angst. What is my problem?

It could be that I don't have a problem. It could be that mornings, in general, are directly linked to the fall of mankind into sinful rebellion against God and my heightened spiritual state causes my soul to respond in repulsion to mornings' persistent recurrence. This is a very Biblical theory! Do you think it is just a coincidence that Adam ruined the furture of humanity just 11 verses after he woke up from a deep sleep? This theory is further supported by the fact that as the day progresses - that is, the farther away from the morning I get - my view of the world becomes increasingly positive.

I suppose there is a little room for me to allow the possibility that mornings are not a cosmic mistake and that my grumpiness is actually a sin that needs to be addressed, but let's not talk about it until after 10:00...


Anonymous said...

I have one question for you who are a spiritual insiration to me.... What does this make me? I love the morning, often can not wait to awaken to a new day. Have you ever considered Adam was up late the night before? Remember after all he was busy naming all the creatures, then to top it off, he napped, God removed a rib created woman. This sounds like a long busy day to me.... If you have any insight I am listening!!!! Well reading

Colleen Gebhardt said...

From one New Yorker to anotha...let me break this down for you. You and 1/2 of the rest of the world wakes up grumpy. It is what it is. It can't be sugar coated, it's not biblical, it's GRUMPINESS. LOL! Just keepin' it real ova hea-ya know what I'm talkin 'bout? fuggettaboutit!

Beth Crosier said...

So, what kind of coffee do you want me to have on hand when you're in New York so that we can carry on our morning son-in-law/mother-in-law conversations? Love you!