Monday, December 17, 2007

Our Greatest Resource

I had the wonderful privilege of meeting with some great guys for lunch yesterday. The topic: How do we structure a leader identification and development process that will keep pace with the growth of our church? We didn't come away with any earth shattering breakthroughs or any master plans, however, something I've been learning lately is that the meeting itself was probably all the breakthrough we needed...let me explain.

At some point in the last 4 months I met with the small groups pastor of a very large church. The overwhelming impression I was left with after speaking with him for a couple hours was that he had short-circuited what could be accomplished through the ministry he was leading by focusing on his lack of resources.

I had a very poor response to him at the time and I'm a little embarrassed thinking back on it - I made up some analogy about if all you're given is a stick at least you can start a fire. What I really meant was that no matter what resources you have the objective is still the same when you're dealing with building community; accomplish the impossible! Drawing people closer to the Lord through relationships with each other is not something we can do in our own strength. The best we can hope for is a system that encourages people to take the right steps. But any system we create once we put people in it is going to break down. Good systems build themselves on consistent variables and people are anything but a consistent variable.

I'm excited about yesterday's meeting because far beyond any budget restraints, or staffing shortages I might be experiencing, my greatest lack of resource is, and always will be, in the area of leadership. The ministry that I am leading is far greater then my ability to lead it alone. I always say to people who ask that God wants His people to know Him far more then I do and He will find a way to make it happen. What I often forget is that God doesn't work in a vacuum, he works through people.

When I sat back and added up the leadership potential and experience represented by the men that God brought to the table yesterday what I already believed became more concrete; the leadership shortage has more solutions then simply hiring more staff! The exciting part about yesterday's lunch meeting is that there are dozens of people just like the guys I met with yesterday that are passionate about seeing the people of Elevation filled with life in Christ. All that's left for me to do is empower you to own the vision and provide an environment to unlock your giftedness. I can work toward that!!!

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