Wednesday, January 2, 2008

The Overreaction

My 7 month old son has recently developed an extreme distaste for his car seat. I can understand, I think. After all he is strapped down so he can't move freely to a plastic bucket facing the opposite direction of everyone else in a reclined position that keeps him from being able to effectively play with the toys dangling just out of his reach...But let's just say that all of these factors do justify his distaste for the car seat, the other day's reaction to being placed in his seat seemed a little extreme.

I mean you would have thought we had strapped him into a pan of burning embers with cold chains. He was so upset that we felt compelled to check on him several times in the coarse of our fifteen minute ride home to make sure he wasn't hurt. Of course, as these things go, the very second we took him out of his seat he snuggled into our shoulder and stopped crying. In fact, by the time we got him into the house he was back to his normal self - laughing, smiling, and enjoying life!

This little episode left me wondering what God must feel like with me sometimes. He puts me through a little challenge to try to help me or keep me safe and I react so extremely that He wonders if He pinched my finger in the harness. Maybe you're the same way! We've got to quit that, we look ridiculous...


Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness do you not think that you pinched his little leg or something! I've been there...checking fingers and legs and wondering where the "flip out" is coming from. My first child cried for the first 9 months of her life....and so did I. LOL

Anonymous said...

A little thought went through Jeremiah's head as soon as the strap was fastened, "Oh, No! You're not strapping me in here for another 12 hour trip!". We loved having him here and miss him terribly!
Mom Crosier