Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Staff Evaluation

This is going to be my shortest blog ever:

I just came through my first quarterly staff evaluation. I'm not one that tends to shy away from criticism shared in the right environment which is good, because that's what we do around here. We deeply and passionately celebrate the victories and then get back to work because it ought to be better next time... Besides, I believe so much in the men that God has placed over me that they could say just about anything in just about any tone and I would receive it in the way it was intended - as a gift!

You can't ever fix stuff if people don't point out that it's broken to begin with. Pastor Steven, Chunks, thanks for holding me to a high standard. I thrive under the type of direction you guys provide and because of your insight I can see things in me, and in my ministry that I might have missed otherwise. I can't believe I get to work here!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

as usual, you call me up higher by your example.
thank you, john, for what you teach me about leading and following.