Sunday, November 4, 2007

Why Wait for Tomorrow? (Part 2)

2) Because if you did, you might miss the best opportunity you have ever been presented!

Seth Godin wrote a book called The Dip. I don't know what you'll get out of it, but for me, it helped me realize that I needed to pour myself into one thing. I've got a bad habit of chasing empty dreams and then waking up with a headache. In fact, I've started more hobbies in my short life than most people ever pursue in a life time.

I used to have well-meaning old ladies tell me that I was a Jack-of-all-trades in an attempt to compliment me. For several years, I took it that way! Recently, however, I decided that if I can't make a run at being the best in the world at whatever I put my hand to it's probably not worth the energy. In The Dip Seth Godin talks about knowing when to quit. He attacks the person who says "don't be a quitter" as if quitting is fundamentally bad! Godin's point is clear: some things are worth quitting.

I was recently reminded that life is short and that I may not be here tomorrow. If that's true - which I believe it is - then we really don't have time to waste. if our pursuits don't add value to the things that God wants to accomplish through our lives then we should quit pursuing them.

On the other hand, if we're putting off things for tomorrow that are keeping us from accomplishing all that we could today we need to jump at the only opportunity we have ever been promised - NOW - and get them taken care of. If you were thinking that you might put off asking for forgiveness from your dad until after things cool down, or if you are planning on pursuing your real dream after you get a little more settled, you may want to reconsider. Quit the things that are robbing your time today and pour yourself into whatever will make the biggest impact on tomorrow! We've only got one life to live and it is only a breath...

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