To those of you who are currently attending Elevation Church and not involved this is for you.
I have come to a VERY profound conclusion over the past few weeks...
You really want to get plugged into Elevation Church!I am overcoming a delusional faulty assumption that I didn't realize I was living under: I assumed that you
didn't want to get plugged into Elevation Church and it was my job to motivate you, cast vision, convince you, persuade you, and otherwise manipulate you to "give it a try".
I have seen hundreds of people have their lives radically changed because they began to
give sacrificially, use their
gifts on Sundays on a volunteer team, get plugged into a Community
Group and begin to apply the truths of Pastor's message to their life, and feel the joy of moving from an invitee to a host by committing to the
growth of our church through evangelism, and yet, I still had this faulty assumption that you didn't want to get connected...
I've changed all that. Now, I have realized that you DO want to get connected, there are just barriers that you (or I) have put in the way that make it difficult to do so. So I have listed two common barriers and their solutions below. I hope this will clear the way for you to get involved...
1) You really want to get plugged into Elevation Church, but you don't think we need you.In one sense you're right, we set the place up this past Sunday and we will set it up this coming Sunday with or without you. We were around before got here and things seemed to work...
But in another sense, we DO need you terribly. Our vision is to see
people far from God filled with life in Christ, which necessitates GROWTH. That means we may have enough
volunteers today, but we'll need more tomorrow. We may have enough
group leaders today, but when you finally get your lost friends
to come they'll need a place to get connected too.
So go ahead and
jump in there's plenty of opportunity for you to make an impact!
2) You really want to get plugged into Elevation Church, but you don't know how.Maybe you already fell for my trap and clicked on one of my links above and found yourself at an easy online connection point...but just in case you didn't,
we have an easy online connection point for you to get involved in any one of the 4 G's (Gifts, Giving, Groups or Growth). Go ahead and click a link and let the mouse take you. It's kind of like facebook, hit one and you won't be able to stop...
Also, we have a table set up in the lobby of every campus that we call the "information table". There are very nice people called connector's that can get you connected on the spot.
If you are at the
Butler Campus, you can also take advantage of the "orangepeople". And hey, you may get a bag of Cheetos out of it! Not bad!
I'm sure there are more barriers, but hopefully I've eliminated two for you.