Monday, December 31, 2007
Wow, What a Year!
Friday, December 21, 2007
The Starving Artist
Thursday, December 20, 2007
The Selfishness Test
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Hope and a Future
Monday, December 17, 2007
Our Greatest Resource
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Under New Management
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Fresh Perspective
Going into the meeting I felt like I was going to be agenda-item-number-two on what looked like a very long and important agenda. After a few minutes of sharing, however, it became clear that what the Lord has given us as a vision for community outreach is catching people a little off guard. I got the vague impression for the first few minutes that people were saying under their breath, "what's the catch?" But as I continued sharing the mood changed; they became genuinely excited by the partnership I was describing (you can read more about it here).
I am continually humbled by the fact that I'm hand-delivering large checks to important people who are doing great things in our city. I am even more humbled by the fact that it seemed right for me to do it! God is using our little church to pioneer some new (or at least fresh) perspective in Charlotte and it was great to be delivering the message.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Casting The Net Wide
Friday, December 7, 2007
Mommy, Who's That Guy In The Attic?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
I Stink At Mornings
It could be that I don't have a problem. It could be that mornings, in general, are directly linked to the fall of mankind into sinful rebellion against God and my heightened spiritual state causes my soul to respond in repulsion to mornings' persistent recurrence. This is a very Biblical theory! Do you think it is just a coincidence that Adam ruined the furture of humanity just 11 verses after he woke up from a deep sleep? This theory is further supported by the fact that as the day progresses - that is, the farther away from the morning I get - my view of the world becomes increasingly positive.
I suppose there is a little room for me to allow the possibility that mornings are not a cosmic mistake and that my grumpiness is actually a sin that needs to be addressed, but let's not talk about it until after 10:00...
Monday, December 3, 2007
Christmas Starts Today
It never ceases to amaze me how much God uses our little church. Pastor's message preached from Matthew 13:53-58 could not have been more powerful. The band killed it - again (check out Wade's blog for the set list). The volunteers, from the parking crew to the new believer follow up teams, were in top form rockin' their series specific T-shirts and handing out nextlevel packets like they were working on commission. And, did I already say, there were pastries in the Atrium...
I cannot believe that I get to be a part of this church. 143 people committed their lives to Christ! Praise God for His continued blessing! For the lives that He has changed, and for those that He will change as we continue to seek His heart!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Who Are You?
Who are you? Have you really accepted all of the power, joy, peace, direction, discipline etc... that comes from being a child of God, or are you just name dropping? I don't know what happened to the seven sons of Sceva after this experience but I would imagine that they took the Name of Jesus a little more seriously. Don't wait until you're backed into a corner by an argumentative relative this Christmas, wrestle with the hard questions now and come to grips with who you are in Christ.
Monday, November 26, 2007
God's Got Your Back
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The Thrill Of The Chase
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The Attic
Isn't this like our lives? We start off with a blank slate of opportunity but as time progresses we stuff more things into it until eventually there's no room left; from the outside our lives look full, but in reality they're not really being used. Maybe it's time to clean out the attic?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Initiating AND Sustaining Life Change...
The tension is, however, how do we continue to add more people AND ensure that the appropriate structure is in place for life change? Maybe it's because I'm young and stupid, but I believe that we can structure a ministry that is both dynamically growing and changing and achieveing spiritual growth for individuals at the deepest levels. Here's why I'm so convinced of this truth:
I believe that real Spiritual Growth happens while we're in motion. Pastor Furtick referenced Luke 17:11-19 this Sunday and in a passing comment emphasized the fact that the lepers were "Healed as they were going...". I believe this is true! Healing doesn't come to the person that is not seeking it. In fact, how many times did Jesus say things like, "Your faith has healed you", "stretch out your hand", "bring me the fish and loaves", "go wash off the mud and you will see", and on and on they go. I cannot think of an example where there was not a clear and decisive action taken by the recipient of the miracle prior to receiving it. A lot of what God does is a mystery, but in this it seems to be pretty clear; if we want Him to move in our lives we've got to build up some momentum first.
I mentioned in a previous post that I was working on a new purpose statement for the small groups ministry that would encapsulate both aspects of our church's mission - People far from God, and, filled with life in Christ! Well, here it is:
Friday, November 16, 2007
The Glorious Popping Sound
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Another amazing thing about words to me is that, at least in English, sometimes they can be very tricky.
For instance, there could be a bandage wound around a wound, or you may have read on a reed parchment that you shouldn't read in red light. Maybe, though all the way through you had a rough time thoroughly cleaning the trough, you thought enough to do what you ought. I'm just saying... There is also the classic: to take two is too many, but over there they're always ready for theirs.
As a final plug for the world of word lovers I leave you with my all time favorite word, famous in my small and unimportant world for it's incredible length: pneumonultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. Of course, there is considerable controversy around this particular word, some don't believe it to be a real word at all, but, again, I'm okay with that...
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Gratitude is Very Photogenic
But to keep from feeling out-of-the-loop, let me fill in some of the back story.
About 35 seconds prior to these pictures being taken my son's face looked a little less content. In fact, he was screaming at the top of his lungs demanding that one of the three adults in the near vicinity - consisting of his mom, his aunt and myself - drop everything and lavish ungodly heaps of attention on him. (The adult in view is his aunt - as if you hadn't guessed that already!!!)
As you can see, upon being scooped up and inserting the hoodie string into his mouth he acquiesced into this pleasant blob of contentedness.
So what's the point? Well, there isn't one, accept to show off my very adorable son. But since this is a blog about leadership principles and someone who is looking for spiritual incite might be reading it, let me go ahead an make a point for you.
If my son can express this much gratitude about a hoodie string, how much more should we express gratitude for the things we've been blessed with? God has our best interest in mind and He always comes through for us even when we are selfishly screaming out for blessings that, frankly speaking, probably seem a little ridiculous from His perspective.
Maybe a good application would be for you to take a moment to reflect on how much you really do have to be thankful for. I would bet that there is more than you think, and an expression of gratitude is very photogenic.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Friday, November 9, 2007
Tee-Pees, Placentas and Rose Bushes
So there I was innocently minding my own business -- 14 years old, riding to the store on a routine trip to pick up last minute medical supplies for my mom who had stayed behind in the Tee-Pee with the mid-wives who were preparing her for the birth of my youngest sister, Elspeth; my mother's eighth child -- when my step-father started pointing frantically at the windshield and asking me if I saw it!
The best description I could get out of him as he was flailing his arms and swerving the rickety truck all over the country road was, "Don't you see that light?" His attempts to orient me in the vast universe of possible-things-he-could-have-been-pointing-at were thwarted by the fact that I had never heard of Aurora Borealis (a.k.a. the Northern Lights) so I did not know to look at the sky. As a result, I was left severely underwhelmed by a porch light that did not seem to justify my step-father's frantic - although not particularly abnormal - behavior.
Despite my uncertainty of the reason for doing so, we 'whipped a U-ee' in the middle of the street and headed back to the Tee-Pee. Five minutes later we were all standing on top of Blakeslee Hill on Comfort Road in Newfield, NY staring at the most spectacular display of colors and shooting stars I have ever seen. It really was an amazing spectacle! (only slightly lessened by the periodic groans of my laboring mother...)
The next morning my little sister was born. About 3 minutes later the Placenta was born. And in keeping with all standard medical practices we buried the placenta in the back yard under a wild rose bush. I think there might have been bagpipes to celebrate the moment, but that would require far too much description for this entry.
And that concludes the first Friday's-Fun-Family-Fact blog post. Tune in next Friday for a special pre-Thanksgiving entry with tips on what to do with the little green sack that's attached to the end of a turkey's large intestine...
Thursday, November 8, 2007
The Vision Statement!
Herb Kelleher established a vision for Southwest that they would be "THE low-fare airline." To explain the significance of this statement Kelleher describes a scenario in which Tracy from marketing approaches him about adding an entree to the very slim menu for the Houston to Las Vegas flight. His Response is what stuck to me. He said, "Tracy, will adding that chicken salad make us THE low-fare airline from Houston to Las Vegas? Because if it doesn't help us become the unchallenged low-fare airline, we're not serving any chicken salad."
After reading this statement I went through all the same thought processes that you just did. I thought, "What's the big deal? I would like a chicken salad if I were riding on your plane!" Then it occured to me that it doesn't matter what I would like. I can always go fly on another airline that will offer me chicken salad. On the other hand, If I want to benefit from THE low-fares of Southwest I will need to settle for peanuts. The point is, Herb Kelleher knew without even having to think about it what his decision was going to be because he had a clear and compelling vision for his company. I am faced with "chicken salad scenarios" every week. What I don't have yet is a statement that is specific enough to help me make decisions during these scenarios.
So now that I've been reminded of the need for a clear and compelling statement, I won't stop until I've found it. I'll keep you posted!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
High Jumping 38 Feet!
1) Jump over the bar 2) move the bar up 3) jump over it again...
There are many strategies to jumping the bar successfully -- In high school I personally employed the Fosbury flop. Anybody who knows anything about high jumping knows that when you use the Fosbury flop, if you can get your hips above the bar you've got it!
Here's my high jump story: at 5 foot 6 my hips would clear the bar by about a foot. My coaches would always get excited thinking I was on my way to clearing 6 foot 2 - a secure 1st place win in most of my track meets.
There was a problem, however, at 5 foot 8 my hips would only clear the bar by about 4 inches and at 5 foot 10 (the highest I ever cleared in competition) I was lucky to clear the bar by 0.0000137 inches. Somewhere along the way the bar just felt too high! In other words, the bar was being raised, but my perspective wasn't changing. At 5'6" I believed I could clear 5'10". But at 6'0" I still believed I could clear 5'10" and as a result I never hit the 6'0" mark!
In leadership I have found the same principle to be true. The measurement of my success has little to do with the actual height of the bar and everything to do with what I believe about the height I should be clearing. My job as a leader, then, becomes raising the bar of my perspective above the bar of expectation. Obviously, all of us will reach the ceiling of our potential at some point (there's no amount of imagination that could cause me to clear 38 feet in the high jump) but I don't want my ceiling to be the result of my own short-sightedness. When I come to the end of my life I would rather have failed attempting to clear 38 feet then have settled for 5'10" when I could have cleared 6!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Get Out There!
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Why Wait for Tomorrow? (Part 2)
Seth Godin wrote a book called The Dip. I don't know what you'll get out of it, but for me, it helped me realize that I needed to pour myself into one thing. I've got a bad habit of chasing empty dreams and then waking up with a headache. In fact, I've started more hobbies in my short life than most people ever pursue in a life time.
I used to have well-meaning old ladies tell me that I was a Jack-of-all-trades in an attempt to compliment me. For several years, I took it that way! Recently, however, I decided that if I can't make a run at being the best in the world at whatever I put my hand to it's probably not worth the energy. In The Dip Seth Godin talks about knowing when to quit. He attacks the person who says "don't be a quitter" as if quitting is fundamentally bad! Godin's point is clear: some things are worth quitting.
I was recently reminded that life is short and that I may not be here tomorrow. If that's true - which I believe it is - then we really don't have time to waste. if our pursuits don't add value to the things that God wants to accomplish through our lives then we should quit pursuing them.
On the other hand, if we're putting off things for tomorrow that are keeping us from accomplishing all that we could today we need to jump at the only opportunity we have ever been promised - NOW - and get them taken care of. If you were thinking that you might put off asking for forgiveness from your dad until after things cool down, or if you are planning on pursuing your real dream after you get a little more settled, you may want to reconsider. Quit the things that are robbing your time today and pour yourself into whatever will make the biggest impact on tomorrow! We've only got one life to live and it is only a breath...
Why Wait for Tomorrow?
The first answer is:
You need the extra time to get through whatever would cause you to make a bad decision today.
I had a mentor tell me one time that I should never make major decisions in the storm. He said, "It's cloudy! You're best bet is to follow the coordinates that you had before you entered the storm when you could still see clearly." I think that's pretty good advice. If the situation never gets better you may be forced to make your best guess using the instruments in the cockpit, but more than likely you'll find that after the storm is gone it wasn't quite as fierce as you thought it was. You'll probably be glad that you stayed on course!
So what about the second answer to our question? Well, this post is already getting too long, so the second answer will have to wait for tomorrow!
First Times!
2) If you were at our 10:00am service at Providence High School it may have been the first time you have ever seen people bringing out chairs for a sermon talking about giving God your money. It was a packed house!
3) Today was my first son's first time eating solid foods:




(The "grumpy" face only happened while the spoon was not in his mouth!)
4) And, yes, today was the first time that I created a topic so that I could hi-jack my blog to display unbelievably adorable pictures of my boy; Jeremiah Allen Bishop.
So on this, the first day of the second week of my blog, I leave you to wait on tomorrow's entry, Why Wait for Tomorrow?
Friday, November 2, 2007
Only Do What Only You Can Do...
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Purpose Statement and Vision...
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
The Key to Church Growth...
Honorable mentions go to Wade Joye (old woman), Larry Hubatka (ninja), Chunks Corbett (Mr. Clean), and Larry Brey (Referee)...
3rd runner up...Awarded for taking the greatest risk:
2nd runner up...Awarded for most committed (Yes, that is a cut and color...)
"and the first place prize goes to..."
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Blundering Idiot...
It was not just the professionals that critiqued my premier entry but my rabid fan base as well. Even these committed veterans of my blog felt that, "the reference was confusing, and misleading". I was attempting to introduce myself to the world in a very sticky way so that they would be forced to run back for today's post. back-fired.
So, on my second official post, I would like to issue a public apology to all my readers. Mom, I'm sorry!
Tune in tomorrow for highlights (and maybe some pictures) of the Elevation Staff Halloween costume extravaganza. I hear Lori Black might be wearing a pumpkin costume...
Monday, October 29, 2007
And It Starts...
6:11 pm on October 29th, 2007 just two short days before Halloween, and just 187 short days before the next annual Administrative Professionals Day this small and insignificant blog has entered into the world to make an indellible mark on society.
It's purpose: to serve as a platform for it's author's opinion's and views on a broad range of topics from being a first-time-dad, to leadership development. From Chicken Bowl Challenges to the nitty-gritty details of serving as the Small Groups Pastor at one of the fastest growing church plants in the country...
I hope you enjoy this blog. If it makes you happy, go ahead and recommend it to a friend.
More to come...